When you need information to protect yourself, your family, your company, your assets I can get answers. What you need is an honest investigator with access to major restricted national databases, diligent and thorough searches and surveillance.

Licensed and Bonded in Colorado, not a fictitious out of state website claiming to “Serve” this area, you deserve someone who actually provides service where you are.
I offer Family Law related services, Skip Tracing, Background checks, Insurance Fraud investigations, Genealogy searches
Member of:

– Spouse maybe cheating, hiding assets, hiding another family?
– Former spouse has possibly unfit or abusive new spouse or live-in, or drug/DUI problems while your child is on visitation?
– Threat/stalking investigations
– Restraining order verification
– Parenting time supervision
Former spouse not paying child support and the state can’t seem to locate them?
Working with your Attorney or Directly for you.
Reasonable rates.