The Supreme Court (US) has several times issued “guidance” on what can and cannot be considered private property in searches under the Fourth Amendment.
The current status is – and always subject to further review by the court in future cases – the inside of your home and it’s “curtilage” require a search warrant (in most cases) for police to perform a search. But what is curtilage? Well it is such a little used word that most dictionaries will claim it to be misspelled. It is that part of your home that is a part of it, not the house itself. It may be your fenced yard, unless maybe it is so large as to be considered an open field. It might be your driveway, if it is not a likely pathway where friends, neighbors, solicitors, the mailman or politicians might approach your door to knock. It might be an area behind a section of fence or screening that blocks it from the street. But, it is not your front porch, unless you have a security fence that would prevent unwanted neighbors or politicians or whatever from reaching it.
Here is a link to the article quoted above: